The Junior Rocket club is an organization comprised of Our Saviour students in grades 7 and 8 aspiring to one day attend Routt Catholic High School. The group works in conjunction with students from Routt Catholic High School who are members of the Ambassador Club. We are proud of ALL of our Shamrocks and can't wait to have them join the Routt family! Check back here for some fun Junior Rocket news and announcements!
Congratulations to the Our Saviour School cheerleaders who received 4th place at the IESA State Cheer Competition! We are so proud of our Junior Rockets!
Congratulations to the OSS 8th grade girls basketball team on their 23-19 Regional Championship victory over A-C Central. The Lady Shamrocks will face Carrollton St. John's in Sectionals on Wednesday, December 5, in Ashland.
Congratulations to the OSS golfers Conrad Charpentier, Daxton Baptist, and Isaac Anderson, who have qualified for the IESA State Golf Tournament! The tournament will be played at Kellogg Golf Course in Peoria on Saturday, September 15. Good luck Shamrocks!
Congratulations to Kaleb Kluge and Dawson Dillard, IESA State Qualifiers for Cross Country! The meet will take place in Normal on Saturday, October 13. Good luck Shamrocks!
JV Football
JV Volleyball
Boys Basketball
Boys Swim
Girls Basketball
Girls Bowling
Scholastic Bowl
Track & Field